Thursday, May 24, 2007

Gettin All of My Ducks in a Row, FINALLY

Well, after changing plans SEVERAL times to accomidate prices of this, and prices of that, I think we have finally come to a solid plan that will work. I also have several back up plans as well. I tend to be a bit over organized, but I have found in some cases that it pays to be that way. It drives my husband CRAZY though. LOL Well, shoot, one of us has to be organized. He surly, is NOT. That is why we compliment eachother so well. I am what he is not and vise versa.
Just like money. I HAVE to do the finances because if he did them, we would be overdrawn every month and none of our bills would be paid. He will nickel and dime our account to death, sometimes I have to hide his bank card. LOL He will call the bank and check the account to see how much money is in there and think, "Oh okay I have X amount of money, I am going to treat all the guys at work to lunch today." Not knowing that I was at the DMV the same day and paid X amount of money by CHECK for our car registration. Or payed a utility bill and it hasn't posted yet. LOL I have gotten to the point where I round our deposits down and our withdrawls up, so there is a cushion for when he does that.

Getting ready for this move has really allowed me to take the time and reflect on things about my life here. The people I have met and the experiences I have had. I feel in a huge way I have outgrown the city life. People tell me, oh you will have to drive for a long distance to go to the movies.....well I don't go to the movies now, and it is right down the street. They they tell me about Walmart and how it is an almost all day thing there, well it is the same here. It is SOOO crowded that it will take you quite some time to get there from all of the stop lights and the looking for a parking spot and not to mention dodging rude people inside the store and getting from one side of the store to the other takes several minutes and checking out sometimes takes 20 minutes. You feel like you are at an amusement park waiting in line for a ride. I don't go to Walmart here more than twice a month. I can't stand the crowds. So what is the diffrence? There is none. My lifestyle will not change much except that I will spend more time outside. I will be outside in the fresh air and the sounds of the birds and other wildlife will be the only thing I will hear for miles, well maybe the sound of occasional gunshot at dusk and dawn, but that is about it. No traffic or horns honking, or people yelling, or brakes screetching. It will be peacecful. I am not much of a girly girl. I really never have been. I don't do the nails, and facials, and body pampering that most women do. I am a wash and wear kind of person. Jeans and tank tops, with flip flops or shoes. Nothing fancy. I will fit right in.
As far as our son, he will grow up knowing how to fix things and build things. And he will know how to fish, hunt, camp, ride horses, and, four wheelers. The role models he will have in Louisiana are WAY diffrent than the ones he has here. VERY respectful to women (especially their mother) and hard working. I couldn't ask for anything more.

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