Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Freinds and Family, WHAT A JOKE

You would think that when your "Friends and Family" find out that you are moving to the other side of the continent, they would want to spend as much time with you as possible. HA! Not the case here. It seemed that once we told everyone we were moving, the people we held dearest to our hearts, snubbed us off.

In fact, we are all neighbors, so you can just imagine what that must feel like to walk outside to take your trash out and see your "friends" BBQ ing and having a merry ole time. When ever we would walk outside before, they used to come over and shake our hand and shoot the shit for a, it is nothing of the sort. They won't even look in our direction, nor will the acknowledge our presence. Now, here is the kicker, the neighbors were introduced to each other by us. I used to be really good friends with one of the wives, and now she won't return my phone calls. Hmmm......Have no idea why. Considering that we were "friends", if I pissed her off in anyway, it is crappy that she wouldn't at least let me know what the problem is. If I pissed you off that bad to where you don't want to have a thing to do with me....FINE, but at least tell me what I did. The way I look at it is we put too much value in people who obviously didn't hold us up as high. On that note it is good riddance then. Thanks for showing us what you were all about.
As far as "family" goes...HA that is a joke too. My so called MOTHER in LAW....that is the BIGGEST crock of dung I have EVER seen in my life. More of a joke than my own mother, who was murdered by her husband a few years ago. I, ME,MINE is her motto. Self proclaimed selfish bitch. We had had a falling out and I needed to detach myself from her for a bit due to the lack of privacy. I sent her an email telling her how I felt and that I didn't want to continue a relationship with her due to the boundaries she stepped over. I told her I would not keep her grandchild away from her but that my husband would bring him over to visit, but due to the overwhelming smell of cat urine inside the house she stays at, I didn't feel comfortable leaving our son over there. My husband would pick them up and visit somewhere else but I would not leave him over there. So After I send her the email, I get an email from the person she lives with, tearing me a new ass 6 ways from Sunday. Going off about all kinds of stuff that was WAY off base. All because I said her home smelled like Cat piss. Which I have told her that before, it was not any new development. It was not something said out of spite, it was the truth. So in this email she falsely picked me apart about my mothering skills and tore my house up, and just tried to break me down in every way possible. But you see, it didn't apply, so I just let it fly. So it didn't do anything to me but make me mad that she was saying stuff that was WAY wrong. So then i get mad at my mother in law...and here is why. My disagreement had NOTHING to do with her friend. It was between me and my in law. My in law must have been over there bashing me down to make herself look better and spouting off about all those untrue statements. SOOO, Needless to say that I am DEFINITELY not going to have anything to do with her now. And since her friend stuck her nose in somewhere it did not belong, and she did not tell her to stay out of in law will NEVER have a relationship with her son or her grandson now. So she had burned bridges with all three of us...and all she would have had to do from the beginning was give me my privacy.
So family, I am finding out will stab you quicker than a friend will. I am learning that the only person I can really count on is my husband. I know a have a few REAL friends out there but the ONE person that I KNOW will never do anything like that to me is my husband. He and I have our own family now and we will make sure that he NEVER grows up with those terrible qualities that my in law has. We are going to teach our son what "FAMILY" is supposed to REALLY be about. We have eliminated all people from our lives who will put a negative influence on our son, by that meaning, I don't even talk to my sister because she likes to start drama lie to people and when someone asks me something pertaining to it and I tell them the truth, she openly calls me a liar. NOT COOL. So, I don't talk to her. She is a role model for our child and even though he is still young, he will grow up watching what all of the adults around him are doing and I will be DAMNED if my son is going to pick up on her dishonesty. I want him to grow up telling the truth and being respectful. My sister talks to my step mom terribly, I don't want my son to think it is okay to talk to your mother like that. Same with my husband's mom, I don't want my son to grow up thinking it is okay to talk about someone untruthfully like that just because you may be angry. It is okay to get angry, but you have to bite your tongue and find other means of releasing frustrations. It is NOT okay to cut someone down to make yourself look better.
So, have I learned a lot about people in the past few weeks? You betcha! Am I going to be sad to move? NO. I have a friend or two that I will miss dearly, but that is not reason enough to stay. This WHOLE state if full of backstabbing self gratifying people and I will be happy to leave it all behind.

1 comment:

MommyMommy said...

don't worry you will be gone soon, and off to making new friends.