Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Splash, Splash, dog water anyone?

Sean and I went to my family's house for the weekend to drop off somethings and pick up my step dad's trailer (we are going to buy it from him instead of renting one). We had a wonderful time. Boober had to stay in the play pen most of the time though. Here's why...
My parents have LOTS of dogs. Too many if you ask me. They started out with a German Shepard, then added 2 yorkies. They bred the female and she had 3 puppies. The sold one of the puppies and kept the remaining 2. They adopted an older yorkie that was abused and my brother's girlfriend moved in with her Pomeranian. The Pomeranian got my step mom's dog pregnant again and she just had 3 more puppies. So that is a total of c'mon, do the math....10 dogs. So they have little yorkies running around all over the place, and they have the Pomeranian , which is the dominant male, going around and lifting his leg on everything. But that is not even why our son had to stay in the playpen. Every time I let him out, he would beeline straight for the water dish. SPLASH SPLASH....all over the floor and all over him. They have wood floors too. LOL it was so funny. It was quite a mess. I tried to take pictures but the floor and lighting was too dark it didn't show up what he was doing. He did pretty well confined to the play pen for the remainder of the weekend. I think he knew he did something he wasn't supposed to do, he didn't even cry, it was more of a sigh, when he was put back in the pen. LOL I am going to have my hands full.

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