Monday, May 21, 2007

Moving to the Last Quarter of the U.S.

Okay, so Sean and I are preparing to move to Louisiana and I have to tell you, a move that far is very complicated. There are so many details you have to iron out. We are not taking a lot of belongings, but the stuff we are taking is very hard to coordinate. Like our Truck for instance, it is a 1970 3/4 ton pick up that we have just sunk a bunch of money into and STILL isn't worth anything, except for sentimental value. But unfortunately, that doesn't mean anything when you are trying to sell it. There is no price for sentimental value. So we are spending quite a bit of money to have it transported to the last Quarter of the U.S. The hardest part of all of this is finding a truck to transport it. I have had quotes from SEVERAL companies and the price ALWAYS changes. I sent a money order ahead to our families home who will be accepting the truck and it was for a specific amount. Now the dispatch company is telling me that it will be 30 bucks more than what I sent. What a crock of crap. But we want it moved so that will be the price we will have to pay.

As far as getting everything else in order, nothing seems to be going the way I would like it to, but things could be worse. We have sold most of EVERYTHING in our home and with Sean working all the time and the baby being sick, it has been really hard on me to get it all done. I have already began sorting through our personal effects and discarding anything that we have not used in the last 3 months.
Clothes that don't fit anymore but we have been holding onto them in hope that one day we will be able to pour ourselves into them again.....TRASH. Empty CD cases......TRASH. All of those stupid extra coffee mugs that collect dust in the back of the cubbard........Donated. The list goes on and on. I even sorted through all of our fining cabinet and paid a company to shred it ALL.

I have began deep cleaning the WHITE grout in our kitchen. WHAT AN ODDESSY! I tried vinegar, all that did was make our house smell like eggs. I tried baking soda and a tooth brush, that didn't do anything either. The only thing that has seemed to work is the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and for a floor, it takes more time and energy than I can devote to it at one time. So a project that would normally take a few solid hours has taken almost a week. I keep having to stop to tend to my baby which is recovering from 2 ear infections and cutting 3 teeth at one time.
But over all, I can't seem to get too discouraged. No matter what road blocks seem to pop up, I am not upset nor am I ready to give up. I am SOOO ready to leave California that nothing could stand in my way. If I have to hitch hike naked to get there, I will do it. LOL I have NO desire to stay here any longer. My new home and my new life is waiting for me and I will do WHATEVER it takes to make it to my destination.
Here's to Perseverance.

1 comment:

MommyMommy said...

I was in you shoes once, and I gotta tell you it was worth it to get out of CA. We relocated to CO, and are much happier. And we discovered some amazing things, like neighbors we know and talk to daily, kids can play outside together with each other and they do all the time! Good luck with your move!